Monday, June 25, 2007

Ten Healthy Eating Tips For Today's Busy People

Eating healthy can be difficult, especially if you are a personwho is constantly on the run. Today, more than ever, people arefinding it necessary to try to maneuver around busy schedules,while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The busier youare, the more difficult this is, but it is not an impossiblefete. Because you are on the go, it is extremely important togive proper attention to eating as healthy as possible. Beloware ten tips that will help get you pointed in the rightdirection. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need over 40different nutrients for good health, and no single food willsupply them all. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. There is awide variety out there from which to choose, so you should haveno problem finding some you like. Maintain a healthy weight. Your appropriate weight will dependon many different factors such as body type, size, your height,gender, and heredity. This is very important for maintaininggood health, and is easy to ignore when you are constantly onthe go. Eat food in moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes tothis level, you will be able to maintain a good weight. Youwill also get used to eating those portions. Eat meals on a regular basis. When you are on the go, it iseasy to skip meals, or substitute eating healthy foods for fastfood. Reduce certain foods instead of eliminating them altogether.Elimination is why many diets do not work. Here, people oftencut out certain foods altogether in order to lose weight. Oncethey have lost the desired amount of weight, they assume theirprevious eating habits, which only results in subsequent weightgain. By eliminating certain foods, you also runt he risk of notgetting important nutrients. Balance your food choices over time. Not ever food must beperfect, but you want to create a balance that will help youget the food groups you need, while helping to cut back onunwanted fats or sugar. This does not mean you should eliminatethem altogether. Know your diet pitfalls. Before you can identify what is wrongwith your eating habits, you must first identify them. To dothis, write down everything you eat over a three-day period.Then, compare what you ate with what you should be eating. Thiswill help you figure out where you are going wrong. Make changes gradually. Revamping your diet habits is a processthat is accomplished over time, not overnight. Keep in mind that foods are not necessarily good or bad. Whenselecting foods, do so with your total eating patterns in mind,not on whether or not an individual food is "good" or "bad".About The Author: Tone-A-Matic is a revolutionary muscleexerciser for use anywhere. Electronic muscle stimulator.

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